If you can’t source it, make it! – creating my own learning app from scratch

This is the start of a multi-part blog post about my quest to create a practical, accessible and fun parenting tool for building resilience skills with my family.

My story:

I’m a mom of twin preschoolers and I do my best to help them navigate all the adventures and challenges they experience. A big part of that is teaching them resilience skills but it’s easier said than done!

What I had:

Our children’s hospital gave me an article on the seven skills of resilience which was a great resource but there was one big problem, the format. What I had was well organized, relevant and insightful, but certainly wouldn’t be useful when my “threenager” melts down over my choice of cereal at the market.

What I need:

If you’re a parent or have ever cared for children, you’ll understand the need for all things easy and handy. I needed something I could use regularly to practice and apply resilience skills together anywhere, at any time. Something relatable and fun for the kids and practical and actionable for me.

What I’ll do:

So, I decided to take what I had and make what I need! My goal is to leverage the concepts in the article to create digital practice cards for parents and a gamified interaction with animated videos for the kids that is mobile accessible. This is the start of my exploration into building a learning app from scratch!

Super Confidence Triangle!
Coming up:

Part I: The case for custom visuals – how I captured emotion by bringing simple sketched characters to life (coming soon!)

Part 2: Create a quick mobile practice card prototype using Adobe XD

Part 3: Get to the point and act on it! How to rewrite lengthy and formal copy to be simple, conversational, and actionable.

Part 4: Storytelling and Storyboarding: crafting stories that connect the learner to key concepts and skills with empathy and exploration.

Part 5: Learning with Exploration – bringing stories and concepts to life with animation and gamification

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